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The Coast Guard is committed to supporting the Coast Guard Auxiliary by providing training materials, courses, and tools to impart the skills and knowledge needed to achieve mission excellence.


The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Online Classroom is restricted to the use of Auxiliary and active duty members of the U.S. Coast Guard.



To access this page, you have to log in to USCG Auxiliary Members Community. 



This link will take you to the directorate with oversight responsibility. For example, if you click on "Air Operations," you will be taken to the Response Directorate's repository of aviation-related publications.



The Coast Guard Auxiliary Association helps support the civilian volunteers of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary conduct their Recreational Boating Safety efforts to educate boaters, enhance their knowledge in safe boat operations, and improve their personal safety as well as others while making the boating experience enjoyable.




WWW.CGAUX.ORG is the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary official web portal.




This page is for public information only and is not a distress communication channel.



This is the official Facebook page for the Coast Guard Recruiting Command, located in Washington, D.C. We protect those on the sea, the Nation from threats by the sea, and the sea itself.